
2013-05-15 07:29  [ ]  来源:  点击:  

the surrounding structure and architectural planning design on the loading of the heating ventilation and air conditioning and the energy-saving。

切磋了室底细况, so as to enhance the development of the design for heating ventilation and air conditioning. Key words:heating ventilation and air conditioning, way, consumption,围护布局。

influence, energy-saving design 点击下载完备资料: 。

并叙述了暖通空调规模节能的途径与要领, 要害词:暖通空调 能耗 影响 途径 节能计划 On analysis of energy-saving design of heating ventilation and air conditioning Abstract:The paper analyzes the relationship between the architectural environment and the consumption of heating ventilation and air conditioning,以期促进暖通空调理能计划的盼望, 摘 要:说明白构筑情形与暖通空调能耗之间的相关。

and illustrates the ways and methods for heating ventilation and air conditioning,构筑规化计划对暖通空调负荷及节能的影响, explores the influence of the indoor environment。

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  • 作者:http://www.qldqok.com     
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